Sausage blends including new variations like Cumberland seasoning blend.
Vegan product blends.
Snack seasonings for crisps.
Black and white pudding blends.
Gluten free blends.
Curry blends – we stock gluten free curry sauce mix.
Bakery premixes.
Seasoning Blends.
Bespoke blends to your exact requirement and we can provide security and confidentiality to your special recipe.
Premium range of blends like Pepper steak rub, Chinese glaze, BBQ glaze, Complete Burger mix, Mixed Herbs, Sage & Onion, Beef Spicing are always in stock.
Breadings and Coatings.
Above can be manufactured in various pack sizes in our modern factory in Limerick. We can hold product in stock for our regular customers or we can have product delivered to you anywhere in Europe within 7 days from receipt of order. We can export to USA and Canada and deliver within 28 days of receipt of order.